work with me

Here are the services I offer high-achieving women to meet their goals and transform into their highest self.

I reconnect HIGH-ACHIEVING women to their body, mind & soul for HIGH ENERGY + SUCCESS.

scroll to discover my live coaching programs
Signature Program Entrepreneurship Growth & Alignment

Femme Biohacker - a 12-month high-level coaching program for women entrepreneur ready to rise and level-up their success and impact.

  • Female entrepreneur ready for more
  • Business owner expanding to online services
  • Solopreneur wanting to generate greater impact
  • Women ready to launch their first offer

Femme Biohacker is for you if you are a:
Starts at $1,288 per month
This program covers all things:
  • Business & entrepreneurial mastery
  • Personal branding and online presence
  • Health + energy optimization and biohacking principles
  • Energetics & spiritual awakening 
  • Mindset upgrade and nervous system resilience 
  • Feminine leadership

Sisterhood Community & Mindset Expansion

The Soul & Wealth Club is a sacred club for high-achieving women desiring to enter a high-frequency vortex all while being held in a supportive energy in order to keep momentum and accountability. This is a lighter touch type of program that allows for deep body, mind and soul healing once a month. 

  • You want to start improving your mindset and heal your limiting beliefs in order to feel more alignment in your life
  • Your time is limited but you want to intentionally put yourself in an energetic container that will support you in keeping momentum
  • You are looking for a supporting sisterhood online where you can feel inspired to step outside of your comfort zone and take meaningful actions

THE SOUL & WEALTH CLUB is for you if:
Starts at $222 per month

BONUS when joining the annual membership:
Receive the complete library of The Energy Upgrade ($777 value)

VIP 1:1 Healing for Empire Builders

Allure is a bespoke haute couture coaching program designed to help empire builders optimize their health and environment so nothing gets in the way of their success. It’s Vanessa’s closest proximity program for women wishing to build a sustainable energy that will match the speed at which they are scaling. 

  • A successful empire builder that relies on her energy for the sustainability of her success
  • A woman ready to rebuild her foundation as well as tap into longevity and biohacking for all-around optimization 
  • A woman in transition who needs to explore her blind spots, patterns and mindset for a powerful realignment and growth

ALLURE is for you if you are a:
This program covers all things:
  • Building timeless energy to support your expansion;
  • Healing your body and mind to regulate your nervous system and upgrade your mindset;
  • Tap into your soul’s gifts to unlock higher levels of effortless performance and magnetism;
  • And more (in this program, Vanessa will meet you where you are).

HEAL your soul to unlock HEALTH & WEALTH.

scroll to discover my SELF-LED coaching programs
Start Anytime
Energy Creation & Power Reclamation

The Energy Upgrade offers ambitious women like you, an opportunity to reclaim your energy through data and clinical support to finally heal deeply and make space for your vitality and femininity to shine through.

Starts at $288
  • Nutrition guidelines including a vast recipe bank for inspiration;
  • Rain barrel and root cause assessment;
  • Sleep optimization;
  • Nervous system regulation;
  • Detoxification principles;
  • Supplementation guidance;
  • Immune system support;
  • Biohacking principles to increase longevity factors;

This self-led program offers an incredible library that will guide you through to healing at the root cause.

Amongst the 40+ masterclasses offered, expect to learn about:
  • Nutrition guidelines including a vast recipe bank for inspiration;
  • Rain barrel and root cause assessment;
  • Sleep optimization;
  • Nervous system regulation;
  • Detoxification principles;
  • Supplementation guidance;
  • Immune system support;
  • Biohacking principles to increase longevity factors;
  • Hormone optimization;
  • Feminine energy and reconnection to the heart;
  • Breathwork sessions;
  • Workshops on healing limiting beliefs;
  • Positive mindset during the healing journey 
  • Expansion and growth strategies;
  • and more!

  • Hormone optimization;
  • Feminine energy and reconnection to the heart;
  • Breathwork sessions;
  • Workshops on healing limiting beliefs;
  • Positive mindset during the healing journey 
  • Expansion and growth strategies;
  • and more!

Inner Child Healing & Authentic Truth

The Mask is for ambitious women ready to break free and tap into infinite possibilities. Dissolving the mask is beyond being: it’s about becoming.
