You're ready to transcend the ordinary and become a multidimensional biohacking master for your health and business, unveiling a world of infinite possibilities.

"When health and wealth meet to create absolute freedom and purpose. You're ready to become a magnetic force in your life."

Femme Biohacker
a 12-month coaching program by Vanessa Grutman

This cutting-edge coaching program is designed for high-achieving women entrepreneurs with big ambitions who are ready to become their own version of Wonder Woman without burning out!

health & wealth • health & wealth •

This unique process is a revolutionary fusion of

i’m ready
Business Mastery, Biohacking Principles & Energetics

carefully crafted to enhance your health, amplify your business and brand impact, all to propel you towards limitless success. 


Deeply anchored in the intention to re-align your life with your unique gifts for more ease and flow, to teach you how to own your authentic power for more financial abundance, to heal your body, soul and mind, all while honoring the unique and precious body and energy of a woman, this program is nothing short of transformational. 

This process is pure biohacking alchemy:

It's not your typical Business program...nor is it your typical Health Coaching or Spiritual coaching program. It's all of it and so much more.
i’m ready
This process will help you become magnetic beyond measure, allowing you to step into the next level expansion you’ve been seeking with ease and flow.

On Your business + health.

your lifestyle
your brand
your values
your ideal clients
your energetics
your genetics
your money story
your leadership
your innate style
your energy
your spirituality
your nervous system


get ready to finally get tangible clarity

important • important •

This An ALL-IN Program! Because Tangible Results Are The End Goal,

 you will be guided you through taking real actions, stepping out of your comfort zone, trying new things and building momentum.

Be prepared to evolve. The next version of you is knocking at the door.

An unwavering energy and radiating beauty that helps you defy time and aging.

A thriving business that skyrockets, thanks to your strong brand, impactful online presence, clear marketing, magnetic leadership and influence;

A non-negotiable vibrant lifestyle that becomes the grounding force behind your success and infinite abundance;

An irresistible aura that captivates your audience, attracts ideal clients, and opens doors to new opportunities;

Picture yourself with:

your magnetic presence defines your success.

In the realm of entrepreneurship,

Allying the most ancient wisdom of nature and the latest innovation, it's time to reconnect to YOU.

You're ready to shift.

A clear alignement with your unique superpowers so that your business and YOU can become alive with more ease and flow;

Femme Biohacker is for you if:
You are a woman entrepreneur currently generating monthly income and offering a real service to the world but you know you are playing it safe. You’re ready to tap into your full potential.
You are an ambitious woman with a brick and mortar business and you’re now ready to add an online service to your offering in ordering to bring more freedom to your lifestyle.
You are an aspiring entrepreneur or solopreneur tired of running in circles like a madwoman, only to get ok results. You’re ready to realign your offers and level up your online presence for more impact.

 will help you stand out.

This unique approach will empower you to step into your feminine energy as well as radically realign your sense of leadership and responsibility for a life that transcends the ordinary.

Beware: you won't be doing budgets and spreadsheets in this program.
We're diving in the subtle world of energetics (where the magic truly happens) where you'll be invited to reconnect to your body, mind and soul.

The entrepreneur journey

usually ends in 2 ways:
1) when times get tough, you think you were not made for this and you're not good enough or
2) as your business grows, you'll start resenting it because you will lack time for doing the things you truly want to do, energy, resilience and resources.

As a versatile biohacking alchemist,

you will fall in love all over again (or maybe for the first time) with your uniqueness, your hardships and how they've made you an expert in your field, your valuable business offering and its impact on the world, your online presence and how you add value to people's life. 

Seamlessly, you will

begin to know what actions need to be prioritized, how to take better care of you and slowly, you'll begin manifesting a reality that surpasses your imagination. This will enable you to envision new pathways and set audacious goals that stretch your boundaries, far beyond what you ever intended. 

be in the 1% of women entrepreneur who rise. So few people find the secret sauce to long-term entrepreneurial success. 

Don't settle for the norm.

Success is an inner game, and that's where we're going.


Having financial contractions and old stories around money that make you work so hard for it; jeopardizing your health, relationship and family.

Running in circles scattered through distractions and so-called emergencies, only to find the exhausted, tired and anxious version of you on the other side.

Hustling; the go-go-go, the unachievable to-do list, the "sorry, just one more email" that completely disrupts your nervous system, hormones and overall energy.

Building a business that is not bringing you absolute HELL YES joy every day.

You know it’s time to stop:

This version of you can't get you where you aspire.

It's time to level up.

Being a people-pleaser, trying to make everyone around you happy while compromising your own well-being and forgetting your own worth.

Finding it impossible and confronting to slow down (there’s always more to do!).

Embody the wealth frequency for an abundance of health, purpose, love and money. 

Amplify your inner and outer beauty by healing past stories and your body;

Biohack how you think, act and move through life.

Become a beacon of light everywhere you go.

Embody the true balance between performance and ease & flow.

Become magnetic to attract your big dreams and desires.

Step into your feminine power to transcend and redefine your own metrics of success - all while still strongly anchored in your leadership. 

The harmony between feminine and masculine
energy is the secret.

All of this, without the usual hustle.

Meet your leader

Women have a superpower - you are worthy of remembering yours.

Get ready to level up!

Vanessa Grutman is a two-time 7-figure business creator, podcaster and award-winning coach.

A Certified Integrated Health Practitioner, Kinesiologist and Soul Biohacker, she empowers women to reclaim their vitality and innate power to unlock unprecedented and sustainable levels of success and energy.

Vanessa built and sold a successful 7-figure skin health business before focusing on her rapidly growing coaching practice. She transitioned from a hustle-driven approach to holistic healing, helping women align their life's purpose with their unique gifts. 

Vanessa’s coaching blends her entrepreneurial, leadership, and holistic health expertise, guiding clients to heal, transform, and achieve financial abundance.

IHP, SOUL Biohacker & High-Level Transformation Coach

From burnout to abundant energy, new levels of success and strong soul alignment.

“Femme Biohacker is pure magic. It's a one-of-a-kind health, business, biohacking, spiritual and energetics coaching program that yields such vast results that it will make you wonder why you didn't do it sooner.”



It's time to incarnate your higher potential.


As a member of Femme Biohacker,
here’s what you can expect for 12 months:
Weekly 60-minute masterclasses including teachings or hot seats with Vanessa
Monthly expert workshops to deepen the work
Quarterly energy sessions with our Holistic Coach
Private community on Telegram for ongoing accountability
DNA testing halfway through the program to assess biological age and longevity markers
Private online portal with an incredible library of recorded content and resources
Exclusive savings on biohacking tools and supplements
Option to add monthly 1:1 with Vanessa is also available


VIP access to all seasonal programs that Vanessa will be releasing and access to all event replays
Enjoy Close To $4,000 In Exclusive Bonuses

12-month access to The Club ($2,222 value)

When joining, receive access to these complimentary programs:


Access to The Social Soul - a 6-module program to improve the intentionality and magnetism of your social content ($888 value)

$1,288 USD / month
Starting at
I’m ready to transform my body, business and soul

Access to The Energy Upgrade - a complete program with more than 45 masterclasses to heal your body and energy at the root cause ($777 value)

Access to The Mask - a 4-module inner child healing program ($222 value)

Success Stories

Femme Biohacker Students



This transformation has helped me propel my businesses to great heights

"Vanessa has been accompanying and guiding me in the healing of my body and soul since the beginning of 2023.

Vanessa helped me to reconnect with my sacred femininity, the divine source of my essence. I have rediscovered and strengthened my creative power, my strength of character, my sensitivity, and my inner beauty - the one I am learning to appreciate and to make resonate daily.

This transformation has helped me propel my businesses to great heights while maintaining control over my physical and mental energies. Learning to feel, to share, to live one's emotions by releasing energetic blockages, is a gift I wish for all women!"


We are celebrating that since joining Femme Biohacker, Lizianne crafted and launched her first marketing coaching program in the agricultural space and has grown her revenues by 60% in the last 12 months.


Working with Vanessa has been nothing short of a transformative journey. 

"Vanessa is my weekly dose of vitamin! Her unwavering support, insightful guidance, and genuine belief in my abilities have played a pivotal role in my personal and professional growth.

Vanessa possesses a unique ability to inspire and empower, and I can confidently say that my life has taken a remarkable turn for the better under her guidance. Looking ahead, I am filled with excitement and optimism for what the future holds.

Vanessa has equipped me with the tools, mindset, and confidence I needed to tackle new challenges and embrace opportunities with enthusiasm.
l am eager to apply the lessons learned under her guidance and am confident that the coming year will bring even greater accomplishments."


We are celebrating that since joining Femme Biohacker, Jessica launched her brand new signature styling service within her existing brand, Maison Bedard. She is now helping women feel their absolute best through fashion in her 1:1 styling sessions and in doing so, has more than doubled her monthly income.


Femme Biohacker teaches that manifesting does not mean waving a magic wand, it means getting very clear on a vision of your future and then taking steps to collapse those timelines.

"l am deep in a time of intense bricks and mortar business growth and before Femme Biohacker that would have broken down my body and quite literally exhausted my spirit. I am navigating this expansion without losing my health, all while planning new growth.

2024 will see the launch of Vitality, a 4 month program designed for perimenopausal and menopausal women to live into their vitality!
Live a life that lights you up from the inside out!"


We're celebrating Leigh's opening of her second pharmacy. An accomplishment she was brilliantly able to do all while while keeping a regulated nervous system and building her new group coaching program Vitality that has finally created space in her schedule and reduced her waiting list!


I have gained confidence in my position as a leader  and the woman I am is in full expansion.

"My journey in Femme Biohacker is propelling. Sticking to the energy of Vanessa and this group of powerful women is making me take quantum leaps. lam halfway through and I feel that what is coming is much bigger than anything I have created so far.

I have gained confidence in my position as a leader within my company, confidence in positioning myself towards an increasingly refined clientele, and the woman I am is in full expansion. I have learned to finely tune into my needs while honoring my commitments. I feel like a Queen!

Thank you Vanessa for your investment, your involvement, your integrity, your generosity, and the beauty of your soul. You are so inspiring!"


We are celebrating Albane's first 5 figure month in November after re-aligning her offer and getting clarity on her natural gifts. Stay tuned for Albane's powerful podcast launching in January 2024!


You are special and you know it.

 Through the 4 pillars of this program, you will learn to break the mold, step out of the auto-pilot, heal limiting beliefs keeping you small and transmute your renewed energy for infinite abundance and possibilities.

It’s time to rethink your metrics of success.

Alchemy is a magical process of transformation and creation - that’s exactly the journey you’ll take while learning to become a Femme Biohacker.


The goal of this program is to assist you in the creation, evolution and growth of an aligned business and/or personal brand that will magnetize the ideal clients and generate financial success. In order to do this well, we’ve come to realize that a 12-month period of continued momentum, mindset shifts, guidance and community support is optimal. Our goal is to set you up for success and we know that this formula will get you ahead of the game! 

Can I join Femme Biohacker for less than 12 months?

We understand questions will come up as you go through the program (and they should!) - that’s why we’ve ensured that there are many ways you can ask your questions. The best place to get coached on your questions will be in the weekly coaching sessions. Vanessa is also monitoring the private Telegram group and answers questions there. 

Where can I ask my personal business and health-related questions during the program

You do when adding the VIP Experience to your membership. This option entitles you to 12 private coaching sessions with Vanessa for $8,888 USD. This gives you a monthly 45-minute 1:1 call, a perfect time to strategize, brainstorm and get guided on your next launch, offer, brand, marketing, health, limiting beliefs, mindset and so much more. This option is ideal for those wanting even more proximity to Vanessa’s energy.

Do I get monthly individual coaching sessions with Vanessa?

Absolutely. This is truly a business coaching that will help you increase the impact of your brand, your efficiency and financial abundance. The invoice can be made to your business name.

Can I get a business invoice for this coaching program?

Yes, anyone on the entrepreneurial spectrum can join the program. We have successful 7-figure business owners wishing to build their personal brand, to women ready to grow their business and team, to women who are building the impact-centric business of their dreams. The commonality of the women in the program is their strong leadership and commitment to levelling their impact in the world: this makes for a high-frequency container that will support your own progression. In addition to Vanessa’s teachings that can be applied to any level, she also facilitates different masterminds and workshops offered to dive deeper in marketing, social media, branding, software, finance etc. You will be met where you are in this supportive environment.

I’m starting my business or re-aligning my brand, can I still join?

Let’s do this

I believe in your power